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Obama is a muslim

Just In: Sean Hannity releases 4 minute video of Obama praising Islam

Many have questioned Barack Obama’s relationship with Islam—while some insist he is Muslim, others have observed he gives preferential treatment to Islam over other religious dogmas. Obama’s defenders always claim those taking issue with his defense of Islam are taking his words out of context—but recent findings show the truth to be unavoidable.

Now that his tenure is coming to an end, Obama’s record is much clearer—thanks to FNC’s Sean Hannity, we now have a video that runs a total of four minutes showing most or all of Obama’s pro-Islamic declarations over the course of his time in the national spotlight.

Where Obama emphatically declared he was Christian as he ran for the presidency (even though he sat in the pews of Jeremiah Wright’s Black Theology church regularly when he lived in Chicago), his anti-Christian and pro-Islamic sentiment has become obvious.

During the many audio clips, Hannity offers Obama’s glorification of one of the most primitive and barbaric dogmas the world has ever known, showing that Obama stretches the truth and takes liberty with his authority to talk on behalf of the American people.

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Content retrieved from: http://americafastnews.com/just-sean-hannity-releases-4-minute-video-obama-praising-islam/.

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